School Supply list

Kindergarten to Grade 6

The Ottawa-Carleton District School Board has developed a common list of recommended personal use items for students in grades JK-3 and grade 4-8.  This list of supplies is strictly voluntary; parents/guardians are not required to purchase or provide the items listed.  However it would be appreciated if the following items for use by your child were sent on the first day of school in September.


Years 1 & 2
Kindergarten Program

Grade 1 to Grade 3

Grade 4 to Grade 6

1 package of Crayola Crayons

12 pencils

12 pencils

3 glue sticks

2 erasers (preferably white)

2 erasers (preferably white)

1 package of washable coloured markers (preferably Crayola)

1 package of crayons

1 metric ruler

1 pair of blunt Scissors

1 package of coloured pencils

1 pairs of scissors


1 metric ruler

2 glue sticks


1 pair of blunt scissors

3 ballpoint pens (preferably blue)


2 glue sticks

1 package of coloured pencils



2 packages of 3 hole lined refill paper



8 duotangs, preferable one of each of the following colours, which will assist your child(ren) in organizing materials by subject area for quick and easy access:
red, yellow, light green, light blue, black, dark green, grey, navy



1 package of coloured markers



1 calculator



6 lined notebooks



1 protractor



2 highlighters

Running Shoes for Physical Education Classes

Physical Education classes are an important part of your child (ren)’s school day.  To enable your child to participate safely in all the activities, it is recommended that they have a pair of well-fitting running shoes, which have non-marking soles, and are suitable for running, jumping and playing indoor games.


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