About Us

Our School
Adrienne Clarkson Elementary School (ACES) was officially opened by Her Excellency the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson in 2001. The school is positioned on a large property adjacent to Stonecrest Park. ACES is a triple track school which offers Regular English, Early French Immersion and Middle French Immersion Programs. At ACES, we take pride in providing a positive learning environment for our students and strive to develop a sense of community amongst our multi-cultural student body. Our school traditions, and safe and caring culture contribute to a strong sense of belonging. Through a co-operative arrangement with the City, students enjoy access to soccer pitches, baseball diamonds, play structures and a community rink. Children’s Village at Stoneway operates an extended day program within the school.
Academic Programs
Adrienne Clarkson is a triple track school offering Regular English (JK-6), Early French Immersion (SK-6) and Middle French Immersion (4-6). All classes receive instruction in French: JK to 6 Regular English students receive 20 minutes per day of Core French in JK/SK and 40 minutes per day of Core French in grades 1 to 6. The amount of French instruction in the Early French Immersion Program is as follows: 50% French in SK, 100% in Grade 1, 80% French in Grades 2 and 3, and 60% French in Grades 4 to 6. In the Middle French Immersion Program students spend 60% of the day learning in French.
Special Education and ESL Programs
Students with special needs (including gifted) are generally supported in their class by the regular teacher and depending on needs, by special education personal and/or an Educational Assistant. English Language Learners are monitored and supported by two part time teachers, typically during the regular classroom lessons. Students requiring additional support are referred by their classroom teacher to a School Based Team. The team meets weekly and is comprised of our LST (Learning Support Teacher), Principal and/or Vice Principal, classroom teachers, LRT (Learning Resource Teacher), and ESL (English as a Second Language teacher) as appropriate. Together, a course of action is determined with the goal of supporting the needs of the student. This may include further observation or assessment, accommodations and/or modifications within a regular classroom setting, and/or referrals to outside specialists such as speech/language pathologist, occupational therapist, psychologist and/or social worker. Our Special Education team is always available to assist classroom teachers in planning for the needs of all their students.
Assistive technology and computer software is increasingly being used in the classroom to support student learning. A body break/relaxation room (My Space) provides for students identified with such needs.
Adrienne Clarkson is currently home to 460 kindergarten to grade six students. The diversity of our student population is evident in the wide range of languages spoken, including Arabic, Mandarin, Hindi, Urdu and Vietnamese. Upon completion of grade six, our students attend Longfields-Davidson Heights Secondary School. When invited to describe their school, ACES students suggested, ‘awesome’, ‘respectful’, ‘kind’, ‘intelligent’, ‘sportive’, ‘musical’ and ‘epic’. They also said, “The teachers care and they help the students. They encourage us to learn.” “Everyone gets along with each other and all of our teachers make learning fun.” “I enjoy the sports and activities in this school.” “I like the fact that we have a huge field.”
Adrienne Clarkson has a talented and caring professional staff of 46.40 full-time equivalent teachers. Each of the five kindergarten classes is staffed by an early learning team comprised of a teacher and Early Childhood Educator. Many teachers hold additional qualifications in teaching French, Special Education, Math, Reading, Physical Education, Music or English as a Second Language. The academic team is led by a full-time Principal and Vice-Principal. The support staff includes three Educational Assistants, an Office Administrator and 1 Office Assistant, and a .7 Library Technician. The chief custodian and a team of evening custodians maintain the safety and cleanliness of the building. The ACES team works together to promote student achievement and enhance school life.
Adrienne Clarkson Elementary School parents represent a rich diversity of people, languages and countries. Our parents are involved partners and the students benefit from their energy and commitment both at home and at school. Our active School Council organizes popular community events such as the Family Hallowe’en Dance and the year-end ACES BBQ. In addition, contributions from fundraising initiatives such as the hot lunch program, cake raffle and magazine sales have provided field trip subsidies, Scientists in the School presentations and purchased additional technology. Presently, School Council is fundraising to complete a natural play area in the yard. The ACES community has generously supported school charitable projects such as a Kenyan orphanage, MS Readathon and the Sens Foundation. Aside from parents, alumni, retired staff and co-op students contribute volunteer hours and a number of teacher candidates annually complete practicums in our school. This year ACES will host a nursing student. Various community organizations make use of our facility after hours while the use of the adjacent park enhances our program.
Mission Statement
Adrienne Clarkson Elementary School is a community where the needs of each member are the concern of every member. Together, we guide exploration and discovery, nurture compassion and individuality, listen with heart and mind, and sustain our natural passion for learning.
Facilities and Resources
The school yard has been improved through a multi-year project to add trees and landscaping features. The large, open school yard with an adjoining public park and seasonal outdoor skating rink will be soon enhanced by the installation of a natural play area. There are two separate, fully fenced yards each with a play structure dedicated for the use of kindergarten children. A large play structure, a basketball court and a large field are available to grade 1-6 students.
The school has a large, double gym and stage, a library with a collection of over 10,000 French and English books; two computer labs, two laptop carts, digital technology peripherals and wireless internet with an ipad cart being added last year. Teachers regularly make use of the resource rooms where shared teaching materials are stored.
The main building is fully accessible and has an elevator to access the second floor. Currently seven portables are in use for instructional purposes. Children’s Village has dedicated space for programming and with the expansion of the extended day program now also shares classroom and gym spaces.