School Procedures

Welcome to ACES

We look forward to working with parents/guardians to provide a positive learning experience for all of our students. The following is general information students and parents/guardians may refer to throughout the year. This information, as well as newsletters and updates, will be posted on the school website.

School Hours 

The instructional day begins at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:00 p.m. Supervision on the yard begins at 8:15 a.m. however, no supervision is provided after school except in the bus loading area. Therefore, for safety reasons, it is important that students not arrive on the yard prior to 8:15 a.m. and leave promptly at 3:00 p.m. Office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Nutrition Breaks

Students will have approximately 20 minutes to eat at each of the two nutritional breaks (10:30 a.m. and 1:15 p.m.). It is helpful if lunches are packed separately or labelled 1 and 2. A drink for both breaks is recommended. A water bottle is an excellent option to quench thirst throughout the day. In an effort to be environmentally friendly, ACES promotes 'litterless lunches.'  Students are encouraged to use reusable containers and minimize packaging in their lunches. All left over lunch will be returned home in lunch boxes so parents are made aware of their child's eating habits.

If your child will go home for lunch every day (1:15 - 2:00 p.m.), one note submitted a the beginning of the year is sufficient. If your child will go home for lunch only occasionally, a separate note will be required each time. Students leaving school property need to stop in the office to sign out and are expected to return on time for class.

Attendance Procedures

Please inform the school by 8:30 a.m. if your child will be absent for any reason or late arriving. You may email

We request that all information be put in the subject line, rather than in the body of the email. Alternately, you may leave a phone message at 613-825-8600 extension 1 indicating your child's name, teacher, reason for absence and if known how long they will be away. If your child has a contagious condition, please include this information. Both the email address and voice mail system are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Extended student absences (15 days and greater) require a written note to the school. The note should include the child(ren)'s name(s), homeroom teacher(s), date of departure and expected date of return.

It is school practice to telephone all contact numbers on record for all students who are absent where notification of the absence has not been reported. This can result in the office staff making many phone calls and creates a safety and time challenge, particularly during the flu and cold season. Your assistance with this protocol is appreciated. Parents/guardians should also notify the school office should their child(ren) attend school in the morning, but fail to return, or return late for the afternoon session.

Drop off and Pick Up/Late Arrivals

Students may be dropped off in the designated area on Stoneway Drive. With moving cars in the parking lot it is hazardous (and not permitted) to use the parking lot or bus zone as a drop off or pick up zone. Thank you for your co-operation and attention to safety when dropping off and picking up students.

Students arriving late need to enter the school through the main entrance, sign in at the office and obtain an admit slip. Please park in the designated area on Stoneway Drive as there is no drop off zone in the school parking lot. We strongly encourage students to develop a habit of punctuality as late arrivals are disruptive to the learning environment.

Early Dismissal or Change in Routine

Should the need arise to alter your child's regular routine e.g. a child who normally takes the bus is to be picked up early, please inform the homeroom teacher via the agenda/notetote. Parents/guardians are asked to pick up their child from the office and sign him/her out. Please do not collect your child directly from the yard during the school day. Without a signed note from a parent, office staff will not release a child to an unauthorized person.
If you need to pick up during recess please ensure that you e-mail the homeroom teacher and notify your child.

Emergency Phone Numbers

It is very important, for emergency and administrative reasons, that every student's address, telephone, contact numbers and medical concerns be up-to-date. It is also imperative that we have an emergency contact person identified in case we are unable to reach a parent/guardian at home or at work. Please notify the school office immediately should any of this information change during the school year.

Medication and Epi-Pens

In order for school personnel to administer any medication (including aspirin, cough medicine), a Permission to Administer Medication form (available in the office or online) is to be completed. It is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to ensure that the medication is delivered to the school office in a safe manner in the original pharmacy container. Similarly, parents/guardians of children requiring

If your child requires an Epi-Pen, contact the office to complete the appropriate documentation.

Inclement Weather

Students usually go outdoors for recess and are expected to be dressed for the weather (i.e., rain boots, splash pants, hats, mittens, snow pants). An extra pair of socks is always a good idea in the event of wet footwear. If the weather is severe, children will remain indoors for recess. We use the information posted on the Environment Canada website to determine whether we will be in or out for recess. On cold days, if the temperature with wind chill is -25 degrees Celsius, we will all remain indoors. Students are encouraged to keep a small bag of activities (cards, game, reading or drawing materials) in their back packs or classrooms for use during inclement weather days.

Bus Cancellations

Occasionally, severe winter conditions cause a transportation shutdown. Please listen to the local radio stations: Magic 100, CFRA and TV stations, such as CTV news, CJOH and A-Channel's School Bus Monitor Section for bulletins on bus cancellations. You may also check the board website at The school building normally remains open. If parents/guardians opt to drive their child(ren) to school, they MUST return to pick them up at dismissal time, 3:00p.m.Please e-mail to report your child's absence if they are absent due to a bus cancellation.


Students are scheduled to visit the library regularly with their class. Borrowing privileges are extended for two weeks. After such time, the student receives a verbal reminder of outstanding books and privileges are suspended until books are returned. Every child is given a plastic bag to protect their library books. In the case of lost or damaged books, students (parents/guardians) are responsible for the replacement cost.


Parents/guardians and volunteers are required to sign in and out at the office and wear a visitor's badge while visiting. Staff and students are then able to recognize you as an authorized (safe) person within the school.


When a concern arises about any aspect of your child's life at school, your child's homeroom teacher is usually the first contact. The homeroom teacher knows your child best and can usually clarify the situation for you. Teachers are often engaged in preparation or in meetings before and after school. To avoid disappointment it is recommended you leave a message, send an email or arrange an appointment to discuss your concern. He or she can also refer you to the appropriate person (extra curricular supervisor, vice principal, learning support staff). If matters are not resolved satisfactorily, please contact the principal.

Photographing Students

At the beginning of the year, parents/guardians will be asked to complete a media permission form. This will indicate if your child can be photographed at school. In order to respect the wishes of all families, students and parents are not to photograph others in assemblies or while on school property. We also request that authorized photos (e.g. class photos) not be posted in the web.

Dog on the Yard

Please understand that even the friendliest dog may frighten a young child. In keeping with OCDSB policy, dogs are not permitted on school property.

Wheels on the Yard

Children who bike, roller blade, scooter or skateboard to school are reminded to wear a properly fitted CSA approved helmet. All 'wheels' are to be walked or carried on the playground. The school does not assume responsibility for the security of such items.

Lost and Found

Please label all clothing and possessions with first and last names. Unclaimed items will be deposited in the Lost and Found Area which is located by the gym entrance. Unclaimed items are donated to a charitable organization periodically.


Students use a variety of technologies to enhance their learning (i.e., desktops, laptops, iPads, iPods). The Appropriate Use of Technology Agreement applies to the use of any technology, with students and their parents/guardians signing the agreement. With increasing access to Personal Electronic Devices, teachers may invite students to bring their own devices as a learning tool to be used within the classroom. This is never an expectation, as there are always technology options within the school.

Should your child decide to bring a Personal Electronic Device to school, its use also falls under the same Appropriate Use of Technology Agreement. The device can only be used with the teacher’s permission, during supervised instruction. Our intention is to build competent digital citizens within the educational environment.

Devices are NOT to be used unsupervised at any time. This includes the school yard, in hallways, at lockers, in washrooms, at recess, during Nutrition Breaks, or while on school buses or vans. These will all be identified as “Red Zones” that signify that technology is not to be present. In cases where students fail to follow these rules, progressive discipline measures will apply, including the possible withdrawal of access to technology. While devices are not in use for learning, they are to be safely locked in a locker, in the office safe, or stored in a backpack while turned off.

The safety and security of personal devices are the sole responsibility of the student.


Students are discouraged from bringing collectables, games and special personal items to school. These items can go missing or get broken, causing distress to students and families. For safety reasons, laser pointers and aerosol cans are not permitted on school premises.

Field Trips

Students will receive a field trip permission form for every activity off school property. Completion of this form is required; phone calls or hand written notes cannot be accepted. On occasion, monies collected for such special activities do not cover costs, while other times the amount collected exceeds the cost by a minimal amount. In this case, surpluses are applied to a similar activity in the future. To ensure financial hardship does not exclude a child's participation, subsidies are available. Please contact the principal in confidence.

School Bus Safety

While riding the bus, students are expected to behave properly, to respect the bus safety rules (stay seated, quiet voice) and to respect the authority of the driver. A copy of any bus accident reports from the driver will be sent home to parents. If a student's behavior does not conform to expectations, bus privileges may be removed.


If your child is eligible for busing, please be aware of the following:

  • only OSTA (Ottawa Student Transportation Authority) has the authority to change bus stops/routes and requests should be made to them directly at 613-224-8800;
  • requests to change busing arrangements (e.g. your child is only taking the morning bus) must be given to the school office in writing;
  • students are not permitted to take a bus for play dates, etc.;
  • kindergarten children must be met by an adult at the bus stop. A tag identifying them as a kindergarten student will be affixed to their back pack for the driver's benefit;
  • students are prohibited from going on a bus other than their regular bus route.

In the interest of safety of all passengers, only certain equipment is allowed on school vehicles. Musical instruments must be transported in cases only and kept in the student's lap; ice skates must be kept on the floor at the student's feet and carried in a sports bag or tied together with the blades covered; parents/guardians are expected to transport bulky items such as projects or sports equipment (e.g. snow sleds) to and from school.

Information regarding bus routes, timing for each pick up and drop off location will be posted on the OSTA website during the last week of August. Reminder, students should be at their pick up location a minimum of 5 minutes before the appointed time.

Appropriate headwear for skating and sledding

Please visit the OPHEA website with regards to appropriate headwear for skating and sledding.

Happy sledding and skating and safety to all.