Drop Off and Pickup

Morning and afternoon times and zones are as follows:

8:15 to 8:30 - Enter School Yard - Parents are not to enter the School yard area at any time. Drop off and pick up will occur outside the School yard area. 

8:30 - Student Entry

  1. 1. Door D - EF1A, EF12A, EF23A, R12A
  2. 2. Door C - R56A, EF6A, MF56A, DDP, GLP
  3. 3. Door E - EF5A, MF45A, R34A, EF34A, Kindergarten

3:00 - Student Dismissal

  1. To Children's Village - coordinated with CVS staff
  2. To Busses and Vans
  3. To Parents off school property - WALK A BLOCK (remember to practice pick up and drop off routine with your child(ren) before school starts.)
  4. Kiss and Ride - SAFETY and SLOWLY - it will be busy and we will demand everyone's patience and understanding to look after student and staff safety.
  5. Walkers - straight home or to after school care.

Please contact the school if your child has an appointment or will be late for any reason.  When they arrive, they are to go to the front door, ring the bell and office staff will assist. 

If you need to pick up your child during the day, please let the teacher and office staff know so your child will be ready for you.

Please look at this Drop Zone Map.